Another Great Addition!

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Break by Clare Littlemore

About the Book

  • Genre: Young Adult| Dystopian
  • Length: 348 pages
  • Published on 20th January, 2018 by Clare Littlemore
  • Series: Book #2
  • Click here to read the review of Flow.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

My thoughts…

Highlight to view Content Warning: Violence in the form of public whipping, scenes with blood and nasty wounds, public execution.

It required a certain inbuilt cruelty to be someone who could willingly, knowingly put an end to another person’s life simply because they were surplus to requirements.

Break was a prodigious sequel to Flow. If you have been here long enough, you probably remember me hyping up Flow in all of my posts for the month of October! Littlemore didn’t fail to cast the same spell with this. Continuing the series in the same fashion with excellent, captivating writing and a plot that will make your heart race, she has done it again!

The moment I started reading the book, my heart jumped from my chest and came to rest in my mouth! Such was the tension built in the first chapter. I was almost relieved when the chapter ended and I found out that my heart was still beating!

Like Flow, the first half of the book again focuses on the different sectors of the Beck society, In this one, we get to explore the most coveted Meds and Dev sectors. Littlemore drew the world to the point where you feel familiar with it, almost connected to it. It may seem slow-paced to some but for me this is one of the most important aspects of a well- written prose. You build the world in such a way that your readers know the twists and turns even if they never see the lane or walk on that grass covered path.

There is a quality in Littlemore’s writing that only a few possess; to use simple words creatively and effectively. She manages to find just the correct words to convey the emotions or paint the surrounding. It feels real and the scenes almost bleed out from the pages and take form!

I have loved Quin from the first book itself. In this one, she can get a bit annoying at times but considering that she goes through so much in a short span of time, it’s more than understandable for her to act like she does. It really shows that she is fighting to adjust to her new life in the Patrol sector and come to terms with her new lifestyle and new relationships.

The role of the quintessential friend was taken up by Jackson from Harper and Cass. I loved Jackson, perhaps even more than I loved Quin’s former BFFs! I loved her calmness and the whole vibe she emits of being that one friend whom you confide in, of a person who wouldn’t judge you regardless of the situation and of a sage who gives you the perfect piece of advice every time.

Y’all know that Cameron is my book crush! I am ready to overlook all his faults, not that he has many of them. I was a bit disappointed as he didn’t make much appearance in this one but whenever he did grace the pages, he made it count 😉

Cam and Quin’s relationship, though not being the focal point of the book was one of my main interests. They are pretty much my OTP. Their relationship is subtle and sweet, the dynamics of which changed and developed in different ways throughout the book. You just know that they are made for each other.

Numerous new characters were introduced in this book. Each was sketched to perfection. One such character was Montgomery, a cruel evil scientist who will give you all the creeps. I wouldn’t say that I hated her but she is the kind of person who will send a shiver down your spine each time you meet her. She is an important character in the book and a very unexpected ally (or is she?).

She did not look upon him as a human life, as precious as any other. She saw him as an intriguing reaction to an experiment.

Halfway through the book, things took a different turn. The action-packed plot almost left me breathless. So much was happening that it got difficult for me to comprehend!

I got through the book fine but that cliff-hanger in the end might as well have killed me. Totally unexpected

To sum it all, Break is an excellent and smashing sequel to an incredibly an equally fabulous predecessor. You can read it as stand-alone and still get the hang of it, but you would miss the world-building which, in my humble opinion, is very important in this series.

Rating: Cyan-Full-50x50-37x37-27x27.png Cyan-Full-50x50-37x37-27x27.png Cyan-Full-50x50-37x37-27x27.png

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